

The mathematical principle-The philosophiae Naturalis Principia.

The philosophiae Naturalis Principia.

The philosophiae Naturalis Principia, also refered to as the principia, is three work volume by Sir Isaac NewtonSir Isaac Newton publish on 5th July, 1687.

Isaac Newton carved out, mathematically the principle of time,force, and motion that has guided the development of advance physical science. In it, Newton expound his laws of motion forming the fundamental classical mechanic and as well as the law of the universal gravitation.
The Principia gives a fundamental in classical mechanics, also explain Johannes Kepler's law of planetary motion which was first discovered empirically.

The principia encompasses all aspects in physics including principles of mass,force and motion, providing a mathematical explanations of these principles and going on to explain planetary motion, lunar motion, the ocean tides, and many other things beside.  The principia made mathematics a language of science. 
Mathematics now became a means of knowing about the universe.

However, it opposes Descartes philosophy. Newton fundamentally disagreed with the separation of spirit from matter which existed in Descartes' mechanical view of the universe.
Further more, the principia gives a standard when it comes to doing a scientific investigation with his other publish works, such as opticks (1704) which form a cornerstone for the modern scientific method.

Newtonian mechanics is also applicable to almost anything including our sorrounding.
However, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) shows that there's a similar tremble move in the orbit of Mecury, Not to be caused by other planent, but by an effect of relativity, which was to supersede Newtonian mechanics in the twentieth century.

Newton's writings helped change the perspective of his followers and they can now see the world with a practical and mechanical eyes. The concept of principia is also applied outside of science as well.

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